Envisioning (Near-)Future Design: Mindful Practice in the Age of AI

Jorge Arango

California College of the Arts

Many organizations are rushing to fold AI-powered features into products. Some are driven by genuine needs, but many are prompted by greed and FOMO. At best, the result is half-baked offerings — and outright disasters at worst. After the hype, we seem inevitably headed towards disillusionment and retrenchment.

And yet, AI technologies — Large Language Models, in particular — are the most exciting info tech development since the World Wide Web. But working skillfully with and on AI requires reevaluating decades-old design frameworks and practices.

The key question for today’s designers is: how can we best use AI to foster well-being? This presentation explores answers to this question by mapping the space of possibilities and proposing fundamental principles for designing human-centered AI-powered products and services.

AI-powered features, disillusionment and retrenchment, Large Language Models

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