Artificial Intelligence vs. Information Architecture in Taxonomies

Heather Hedden

Enterprise Knowledge

Information architecture and artificial intelligence have the same goal of making it easier for people to obtain specific information that they seek, and both aim to do so with interactive user interfaces. Thus, it would seem that IA and AI are in competition with each other. However, if we understand that information design needs to consider both the content side and the user side, it becomes clear that AI methods are suited for the content side, whereas IA technigues are still needed for the user side. This keynote presentation focuses on the particular information architecture tool of taxonomy, and how a taxonomy is designed manually with user input to serve the users, but also at the same time with AI methods to extract terms from text and tag content with those terms. It will cover what taxonomies are and how they support information architecture, how AI is used with taxonomies, and the future of AI, taxonomies, and information architecture

information architecture, artificial intelligence, taxonomy, interactive user interfaces
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